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Internet Based Project in Padlet

Hello everyone, today's post is about my latest homework: creating a padlet page with the help of KWL charts. For the ones do not have an idea about KWL charts, I will explain it first. It is a chart that enables you to evaluate yourself in means of "What you know? What you want to know? and What you learned?". It can be used for numerous tasks, readings, school work etc. İdil, Eda and I created a padlet and by using KWL chart we stated our opinions and findings about "Bullying at Schools". You may visit the board we created or see my teammates' blogs. Even though I've used padlet only for once, it is an easy "bulletin board" to understand and to use; it is not complicated even if you're new at something like this.

In almost every post, I write about different tools I used for the first or maybe the second time such as wiki pages, padlet, podcasting apps, and even this blog. These are the things that I learn every week in my Educational Technologies course. Of course the course is not only limited with different tools above. What I am saying is, learning different web tools and using them are beneficial both for me as a student and me as a future English teacher. For example padlet can be used in different ways.

Studensts can post/share their suggestions either about English class or English itself more generally. Because the thing that we need to do in the 21st century learning is to include students to contribute the class rather than talking for 40 minutes in a lesson. Here is a picture of an example educator for the 21st century:

That's all from me for now. Take care!

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