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My Wiki Page: Ordeal by Innocence

Hi everyone, how are you? I hope you are all fine and especially healthy.

This post is about a book review in a wiki page I created. I chose a book from Agatha Christie, my favorite author. I love her life story as well as her books. She served as a hospital dispenseries during the first and the second World War , therefore

She had a great amount of knowledge about medicines or poisons which she often used in her books. This makes her books even more interesting to me, that's why I reviewed "Ordeal by Innocence" on my Wiki page. You can see visit my Wiki page by clicking here. When it comes to writing on a wiki page, it is something new to me. From now on I really think to follow some wiki pages for variety of reasons such as book/movie recommendations and so on. I loved writing on a wiki page, it is useful to follow that kind of a the social media platform. Instead of wasting time with other platforms by watching/reading posts that are not actually beneficial, it is more useful to visit wiki pages which includes favorable content. For the very reason, I will probably give my students that kind of assignment as a future teacher.

This is all I want to say about Wikis. Take care! Keep following!

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